Stream is done and we finished the Ironmouse drawing!! And yeah, I wanted to draw her in her Queen outfit, so yanno, here it is ^^

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Yanno, genuinly not to toot my own horn, because I don't like doing that KJHBSERGKSE, But, I must say. Even with all the disappointment with She-Ra... it did give me the drive to improve in my skills in a way I never thought I'd be able to do, from 2018 to 2021 man, love them.

4 19

Happy birthday to the great Hideaki Anno, here some fanart I did of Evangelion.

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Hoje (22/05) é o aniversário de Hideaki Anno, um dos maiores TokuOta do mundo e que mostrou que sonhos são possíveis!

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buon compleanno, nostro bellissimo, Narancia!!!


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Tanti auguri di buon compleanno, Caesar!!!!


58 295

En esta cuenta no se acepta ninguna crítica hacía mikey Sanno, vivimos en una monarquía donde Mikey es el rey, Mikey habla y nosotros escuchamos, Mikey pide algo y lo hacemos, Mikey manda y nosotros obedecemos, su palabra acá es ley y no hay democracia, Mikey lo es.

2 12

Foi revelado que "Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time", se tornou o filme com maior bilheteria de Hideaki Anno, ultrapassando "Shin Godzilla". O filme estreou no Japão no dia 8 de março deste ano, e já acumula 8,28 bilhões de ienes (mais de 75,72 milhões de dólares).

4 23

Oggi inizia il ma per non fallire miseramente come ogni anno, ho deciso che faccio un solo disegno fatto bene e ADDIOSS

1 1

Toshio Suzuki, productor de Studio Ghibli, ha confirmado que han recibido muchas peticiones para hacer un live-action de ‘Nausicaä’.
Entre los directores interesados se encuentra Hideaki Anno, creador de ‘Evangelion’, que incluso trabajó como animador en la propia película

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Shes me, but, yanno, birb.

Birb go squawk (LOUD).

She sings at like 4am, like an actual bird, but ya cant close your window to ignore her.

(Art by the awesome @/cakethulhu and wonderful @/burdteeth respectively

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Buon compleanno,Trish.
D'ora in poi,camminiamo insieme.

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海外ではまだジョルノの誕生日の午後かろうじて!Buon compleanno, GIOIGO! 🥳🍮

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Buon Compleanno, Giorno! 💖✨

I can't resist this golden boy in a fur coat 😌

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Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (2009)

Animation Production at Studio Khara
Art Direction by Hiroshi Kato and Tatsuya Kushida
Cinematography by Toru Fukushi
Directed by Hideaki Anno, Masayuki, and Kazuya Tsurumaki

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Tuttavia proprio quest'anno, dopo l'annuncio della DC di far uscire Zack Snyder's Justice League, la versione integrale di Justice League con i tagli di regia, molti fan sui social hanno richiesto un'operazione simile per "Kingdom of the Sun" con l'hashtag

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