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Applebloom: *pats him and giggles* He feels like one of those really fluffy cats!

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Lachlan: *giggling*

Applebloom: Aww!! *laughing*

Fluttershy: We ought to show our students from Twilight’s school this! And Celestia and Luna!

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Rainbow Dash: *laughing*

Lachlan: *hides from Applebloom behind his tail*

Applebloom: What’s going on here?

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Applebloom: We’re sorry if we did...

Lachlan: “We”? Is someone with you, Winona?

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Rainbow Dash: Wait, did I just say that out loud?

*as Applebloom and Lachlan make it out of the caverns, Winona appears in front of them, looking like a fierce leader of a pack*

Winona: There you are!

Lachlan: Gah!! Winona!

Applebloom: *nervously* H-Howdy girl!

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Rainbow Dash: *was listening outside the caverns, touched by the song*

Lachlan: Thank you so much Nerissa!

Nerissa: Anytime, children. Come visit my caverns anytime you want.

*Lachlan and Applebloom say their goodbyes to Nerissa as they start heading back to the cave entrance*

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Applebloom: It was very nice, but it makes us and our friends cry.

Nerissa: I’m aware of this, you see, I am the Mermaid of Emotion, I sing melodies that help whoever is feeling sad at the moment get all their sadness out to feel better.

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Applebloom: Howdy.

Nerissa: What brings you two to my mystical melody caverns?

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???: Welcome to my cave, my name is Nerissa.

Lachlan: Nice to meet you Nerissa, my name’s Lachlan Dingo, and this is my friend Applebloom!

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Lachlan: *goes to the rocks and finds something amazing* Applebloom... check this out...!

Applebloom: *walks over to Lachlan to see what he found*

*it was a mermaid that was singing the tune!*

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Lachlan and Applebloom venture down into the nice blue stream as they follow the tune*

Winona: *slowly catching up to them*

Lachlan: Applebloom! Look! *he was pointing at a small rock mound* The tune’s coming from those rocks!

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Lachlan: Shh! Applebloom... do you hear that...? *they hear the sad tune again, but it was louder... that means they’re really close by* The tune!

Applebloom: We must be getting close to finding out where it’s coming from!

*the two kids find a beautiful stream in the caverns*

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Rainbow Dash: Hey, there’s a small hole above the cave I can peek down! *she looks down to see Lachlan and Applebloom racing further down the caves with Winona about 45 seconds behind them, and she could hear this funky tune*


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Winona: In that cave, but it’s too small for you to fit through, I’ll keep up with them. *she follows them*

Rainbow Dash: I just hope those two didn’t get too far...

*they did, but Winona isn’t giving up*

Applebloom: Hey, you’re right Lachlan, adventures like this are fun!

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Applebloom: Huh? Do you feel that Lachlan... I feel like we’re being followed...

Lachlan: I’m sure it’s nothing, c’mon!

*the two kids dash into a cavern unaware Winona was following them*

Winona: *pretends that Lachlan & Applebloom are her imaginative pups which helps her*

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Applebloom: Lachlan’s bein’ chased by a ghost! You’re his only hope!

Lachlan: *cornered on a cliff as the whole town witnessed in fright*

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Lachlan: *screaming* SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

Applebloom: *gasp* Lachlan’s in trouble! I gotta tell all of Ponyville! *she tells everybody*

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Dang guys! We got scootaloo back and we're halfway to Applebloom!

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