GM! Illumination by ♦️
ArtDrop from Redlion Gazette issue

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After reviewing data, the team has decided that *SUNDAY* is the most optimal day for our ARTDROPS - the day most people can participate!

Starting this week, all future weekly artdrops will take place on Sunday - beginning 11.21!


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World of women continues to be one of the most culturally relevant projects of all time! The new contest made the community band together and solve puzzles for a ! The new Artdrops look amazing as usual!

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💧ArtDrop series. ✨🌸
10 different colors. 5 editions. 10 tz.

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💎👉 ArtDrop REVEAL: The ArtDrop this week is created by . His ArtDrop is titled:

‘Keepers of the New World’

Issue owners can soon claim it via ://

Subscribe to for more!

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WTF. The most hilarious mint after the OG Buttheads is their first artdrop collaboration with - FreeRangeBrainSuitShitFace

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Didn’t post this one!!!
Sorry Saturday was hectic.
Shows over folks!!!
Now back to out regularly scheduled GV posts. 😃

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ART DROP! If you are at A Petrified Forest tonight I will have art and goodies for you. Come have some fun I am sure
would love to see you!

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