Day 17 of 's - Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken. Yet another fighting game girl (and not the last of this month).

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Arttrober-Day16: Nezuko

Buckets! (jk)

Really love this story. Episode 19 was very powerful. I'm excited for the movie when it's released in the west.

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Day 16 of complete- this time its Nezuko from . Still gotta watch the show :p this time for coloring i tried doing some ambient occlusion, which is still confusing to me, but I am trying to get it right.

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Day 017
Lin Xiaoyu
Tekken Blood Vengeance

Loved that movie.Also tried to imitate coloring style. “Tried”😅

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My OC in all its glory I def want to add more but its feeling forced so I think ill just stop here for now. im still live on twitch if you wanna lurk or chat.

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Nezuko from deamon slayer 🤘🏾👺
Artober day 16
Fanart by me 2020


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Day 16 of Arttrober with Nezuko from Demon Slayer!

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