"Drawing Autumn" from a lifedrawing Sketch.

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New How I picture those fancy folks who like to call Fall "Autumn" like to roll.

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New artwork for sale! - "Enter Autumn" - https://t.co/8DpNJsjAlr

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New artwork for sale! - "Enter Autumn" - https://t.co/8DpNJsBbK1

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Obsessed with had to draw fanart! Here's Mae playing "Weird Autumn"

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"Colours of autumn" photographed by me . Please RT 🙏🏾😁

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My "autumn" interpretation of 's gang-drawing of me, her and ! <3 U GUYS!

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New artwork for sale! - "Special. Happy Holidays. Colours of Autumn" - https://t.co/1Py4hfHb8A

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Happy first day of Autumn, northern hemisphere friends! My favorite season. ❤ "Angel of Autumn" from my Angels of the Seasons series.

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New artwork for sale! - "Happy Holidays. Colours of Autumn" - https://t.co/1vZeOexKAz

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Laurits Andersen Ring's "The Road at Mogenstrup, Zealand. Autumn" (1888)

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