we got a little bit late but happy belated anniversary fkbu ✨️

collaboration with ✨️

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🌸 just for tonight, let me be close to you 💴

an illustration for my wonderful partner ’s lovely fic

happy anniversary fkbu!!!

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The only anniversary i care about: the very 1st FKBU anniversary!

My partner is and she has made a wonderful fic! And this a drawing based on a scene from the said fic!

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Happy anniversary to FKBU and all of FKBUtwt.

This has been a long ride, from when we first watched Check-1, to the three-month hiatus, up to Check-11. I had fun watching it because of everyone here. Thank you.

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tw // flashing images !

What a journey, huh?

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A year ago FKBUL started airing and I didn’t know I would fall that hard for Daisuke and Haru

It inspired my art and writing so much and brought amazing people into my life (they know who they are 🥰)

Thank you FKBUL ❤️

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Haru: stay calm stay calm stay calm stay calm stay-

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