La muerte de Balder:

«Frigg: "Ni armas ni madera dañarán a Balder".

"¿Todas las cosas han prestado juramento?"

"Al oeste del Valhöll crece muérdago, me pareció demasiado joven para pedirle juramento".

Luego desapareció la mujer (Loki).»


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I like The Witcher games a lot. So Sir Balderich is... "The Lizerd"

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I don't remember ever uploading this but here is Balder in DnD... without clothes BUT I WILL GET THERE! Balder will be a Genasi of Air, a warlock with a patron of the night sky......also his mother

2 9

Demon Rein and Ana! This was so fun! ;v; I even ended up with two more sketches <-< (one with these two and one with Balderich👀 )
But that's for later! Now over to some wholesome n' fluffy walruses!😤

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Selen, La Luna, diosa de los lagos, igual que Balder sacrificó su vista para crear la Luna(aunque Balder se arrancó ambos ojos y los lanzó al cielo) luego de que Karas destruyera los cuerpos celestes anteriores y se fuera. Matriarca de las Elins después de la muerte de Elinu.

0 5

Balderich and Yann were both orphans living the streets of Novigrad. They bonded very quickly and were like brothers. When Balderich was taken as a witcher apprentiche, the separation came as a shock for both - they would meet eachother again only twenty years after

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From the make a villain tweet I bring you... Balderdash. Punk kid of the playground

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I wish for Balderich to have been a motorcycle enthusiast in his spare time! :V

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Baltor and Balder, two characters with interconnected stories :D

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Other 2 sketches! Yann + Balderich.
Yearning for eachother since they were teens. losers

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Los hermanos brujos Daniel y Balder

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I got back into The Witcher universe and guess what. Two Witchers ocs.

Balderich belongs to the School of the Viper, Damjan is from the School of the Cat. I want to sketch more of these 2 cause I have a lot of ideas for their stories in mind!

3 17

another start ➡️ finish, a little more indicative of the Chaos that typically went into a page of balderdash 😂😂 god i have like 6 dedicated sketchbooks of this stuff

1 28

brad (balderion) the great and powerful

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I've only played a DND board game (Betrayal at Balders Gate) but I got some work to show off. Also working on a big project as well which I have provided a wip of.

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i'm never going to let anyone forget about balderrune

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