🍄 Hello 🍄
My name is Kevin and I'm an artist who likes fantasy and experimenting with watercolor and digital.

Working on a series called BONELESS, will share more about it soon.

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no one likes decapitated boneless fish, so i drink choco milk with raspberry on top.

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Man, FEH's resplendent Robin really missed out by going boneless. I had the most fun drawing the ribcages+spines when doing these jelly-skele versions of characters.

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I have no normal organs, my stomach is just an empty chamber, and I use my hips to close the fridge door after getting boneless wings out of it.

Let your imagination soar

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Hi there! I mainly do character design and comic art.
This some of my recent artwork but you can see more on my Instagram:(Boneless.biscuit) 😎👉👉

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weird boneless animal

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A doodle of thoughts / imagery while listening to
* Marchers
* Ivar the Boneless
* Mask

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kyo isn't boneless richter, richter is dripless kyo

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Shade turned the charity Gachapon and recieved an Ivar the Boneless as a 1950's greaser

Art by

Thankyou for donating to Color of Change via our tiltify 💖

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Thanks for the chance X3
My favorite food is chicken wings and boneless

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I love the boneless, PS1, Not-FireEmblem game
The guy who made Fire Emblem just, left IntSys after they cancelled FE64, and he tried to clone FE so hard he got sued, originally calling the game Emblem Saga and having Not-Marth in it

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Boneful and boneless she ra, side by side. Finished S5 finally and my heart is full.

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Giving my favorite wibbly woobly boneless limbs Eyea some love!

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And a boneless Nettie. Also I know that hair must be a glitch but actually it's the closest to her canon hairstyle so um maybe make it real?

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Also worth noting, NPC randomization on alpha shows that we'll be able to choose the degree of bonelessness we want, like choosing between arms and legs

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Sure, being a Vacuous is all about customization, but being all rubbery and kinda malleable/boneless means you're also pretty light on your feet. Also, you now live in an alien hellscape filled with all sorts of hoovering monsters!

Welcome home.

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