Hoy es el cumple de mi niña de y para celebrarlo, ¡vamos a jugar!

1 like 1 dato de Bukowski✨

3 15

Poetry doesn't pay anything,
But it was a form I needed.
It was a kind of a passionate,
.. pleasurable, selfish,
Nice form you could scream a little bit.

Charles Bukowski

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"You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter." ― Charles Bukowski

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Detesto i prati perché tutti hanno un prato con l'erba e, quando si tende a
fare le cose che fanno tutti gli altri,si diventa tutti gli altri.
C Bukowski✍

C Luzi
carissimo Erminio e tutti💙

11 12

“ Sappi che sceglierei te, sceglierei te mille volte. Che fosse per me, sarei già lì ad abbracciarti per tutta la notte, o tutta la vita. “

✍️ C. Bukowski

Jessica Drossin

70 144

When you meet someone
so different from yourself,
in a good way,
you don’t even have to kiss
to have fireworks go off
-L. Schroeder

"Knowledge if you do not know how to apply is worse than ignorance." -Charles Bukowski

"Obon fireworks"2016
Doi Kaori

78 113

Charles Bukowski was born 16.08.1920:"Find what you love & let it kill you." Yes,it happens in life,and not rarely - having experienced happiness, a person plunges into suffering.Therefore, I want to say: May your love protect you from misfortune, give you happiness,my dears!!💕

26 92

🦑By Their smell men may know Them-Their semblance no man know, saving only in the features of those They have begotten on mankind-of those are there many sorts, differing in likeness from man’s truest eidolon to that shape without sight or substance🎨Michael Bukowski🦑#Lovecraft

3 5

"The less I needed, the better I felt."

1 3

Me ha costado un mes decidirme pero venga, ya sé a quién quiero. Esta es Bukowski, protagonista de y mi niña-demonio adorada. SIEMPRE lleva gorra y un par de coletas, pero cuando sus ojos brillan de color naranja, más te vale CORRER 🏃💨

1 1

Impara a non distruggere con le parole quello che hai creato con il silenzio.

Charles Bukowski

🎨David Lloyd Glover - Sunrise

11 30

The Pharmacy
Find your own remedy
I'll go for the Bukowski
At lethal doses
Art by Yang Jialun

3 8

“Cats tell me without effort all that there is to know.” -Charles Bukowski
Art: Topsy Turvy by Marsha Elliot

1 10

“what matters most is how well you walk through the fire”

Charles Bukowski

Wenzel Hablik

11 36

Non c'è vuoto più grande
di quando qualcuno
entra nella tua vita,
te la scombussola
e poi se ne va.
Charles Bukowski

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