The Independent’s Dave Brown made this cartoon in response to the attacks in

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Hommages à
Toutes mes condoléances aux familles des victimes.

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by Tom Janssen{44A31165-AA10-4028-AADF-1907FB053E7D}

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It's a sad day for journalism...

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Post "Las caricaturas de Mahoma, Jesús o Jehová se van a multiplicar" (Miguel Villalba Sánchez)

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Charb's last illustration before he was murdered during the terrorist attack on

Sad prediction :/

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One should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

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Can't sleep tonight, thoughts with my French cartooning colleagues, their families and loved ones

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J'ai fait ça, car j'arrive pas à penser à autre chose.

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Plus que jamais d'actualité.

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