
L'# di oggi è


Pensieri, versi, citazioni, immagini

Cimabue, Crocifisso di Santa Croce, Museo di Santa Croce

Se farete qualche RT ve ne sarò grata

Maria Anna

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C’è un solo punto fermo quaggiù
per l’uomo: la croce.

- Don Primo Mazzolari -

dalla 🖼️ Via Crucis

di 👨‍🎨 Gaetano Previati

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La mia mente si diverte senza di me,elabora deliri per costringermi a saperla indipendente,corpo a parte che mi abita,e del mio respiro si nutre per rimanere in vita.
📕Amorino✍️Isabella Santacroce

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O Pacote da Mascote Crocell já está disponível no
Fortaleça seu gatinho demoníaco e deixe Veigas ainda mais poderoso!!!

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La realtà era piena di segnali e di tracce che a volte sarebbe stato meglio non vedere.

Ricardo Piglia

Ignudo Michelangelo


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Diventare un'Alice smarrita senza nulla da inseguire se non ombre create dal sole.
Isabella Santacroce


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'Annunciation to the Shepherds' by Taddeo c. 1330, fresco, Cappella Baroncelli, Santa Croce, Italy

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MoReVoXという社名はあまり知られてませんが、イタリアのサウンドデザイン専門の会社でナショナルジオグラフィなど多くの実績がある会社です。IRは大抵のIRリバーブプラグインで読み込みできます。寄付をしなくてもDLできますがCroce Rossa Italiana(イタリア赤十字)への寄付もご検討ください。

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Mods asleep, post giant Ed.
Art by Macroceli and Kingursa

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If you’re skyscraper-sized for careful if you try to climb the buildings around you! Some of them can’t handle the weight. Take it from me, I’ve had some experience with that 😝

🎨: @/Macroceli

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The Classic poets sometimes referred to dawn as 'crocea'; a reference to the pale purple hue of early morning. [George Clausen via / Edwards's botanical register via ]

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The gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus):
- Weighs in at around 50 g
- Widely distributed across Western Madagascar
- Sleeps in hollow tree holes at nights in family groups

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Pour vous, chers sauriens déglingués ! Le bestiaire de Jurassic Park/World !
Microceratus, Dimorphodon, Carnotaure, et Allosaure (Jeune).

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Hi Colin Trevorrow, I am a big fan of Jurassic World and I wanted to ask is there any possibility that the microceratus has a mention or cameo in this next movie. Since in other official media they have shown us that it did not become extinct in Isla Nublar

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{As much as she hated to do it, she had to skip the competition today, as more pressing matters concerning Paris could be afoot. Clues to the Shibuya situation, perhaps? Regardless, it was time for this princess to get busy!}

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Art by

Giuseppe Vash Croce is a digital artist and lover who creates sci-fi, dark and surreal stuff.

Visit his portfolio and support his fantastic work:


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So what was that crazy creature? First instar of a spider fly (#Acroceridae)! Found by grad student Christina Mitchell during a diversity/biomass study. Luckily the spider was clear so you can see the parasitoid on its book lung. They may remain there for years!

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