Chrysalis: Ooh, you’re looking a little angry there... almost makes you want to burst into flames, doesn’t it?

*however, Unikitty was smarter than Chrysalis thinks as she can tell bursting into anger is what she wants her to do*

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My entry for the Week 4 of the : Queen Chrysalis 🦋🌸
Former peasant, she married a king and became Chrysalis

(Theme : King/Peasant)

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i don’t have any new content so here’s more of that chrysalis redraw

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Unikitty: Gah! Scary queen lady!

Lachlan: *growls* Chrysalis...!

*Chrysalis lands to Lachlan*

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King Spyro vs Queen Chrysalis and the Darkness

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Chrysalis: Locust, you’re partner here just found these two escaping along with little Thorax here.

Locust: *scoff* Puh-lease, he couldn’t find himself in Equestria’s reflection pool.

Blister: Rainbow pony and blue dog are right about you, Locust, you ARE mean to me!

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Chrysalis: You stopped our important prisoners from escaping AND you found the traitor!

Blister: I did...?

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Blister: No, I didn’t...! *he turns around to find Chrysalis approaching*

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Comics: Chrys and Cady / Midnight Snack / Adorkable: Compare / Flurry and Stag / Gift for a Twilight Fan - Post up on the Equestria Daily website here:

Cady and Chrysalis need more interactions. Silly ones preferr…

8 84

Lachlan: *limping* Listen girls... Rainbow Dash and the others... Starlight and Trixie... Discord... they all got captured because of me. I’m not gonna risk losing anyone else to Chrysalis, so please... please stay out here with Gilda and Gabby.

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A pretty will be a beautiful Monarch for sure, 👍😍

I have tried to draw this kind of chrysalis to one of my fine on as below.

The of

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The chokehold these two still have on me 10 years later.

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Happy birthday to Sara Rukawa / Sara Chrysalis from D.C. III ~Da Capo III~! 🥳🎉

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chrysalis ::
so motivated with art rn thanks to this band
i liked tyler’s butterfly shirt

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x :: chrysalis :: x

i tried smth new with my artstyle ? i am very indecisive sorry for changing my art style every 3 days

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Music: (Twinsanity Island from Crash Twinsanity)

Sweetie Belle: Well, that’s one problem out of the way.

Applebloom: But, what about our friends and family?

Thorax: I remember Chrysalis has set up a secret lair in a volcano around here somewhere.

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Q is for Queen Chrysalis

I love my little pony pt2 mawhaha

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Right, rip to The Dress That Didn't Make It... Sorry my child, you had too much character development before the dance, a chrysalis dress didn't make sense anymore. 😔

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