I made this 👀 I'm slowly improving my backgrounds cause of these practices and I'm loving to make cute and cozy things like this. ♥ ☕

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Esto es una sorpresa para un amigo especial que hice con mucho cariño. Le gusta mucho el cafetito, así que centré mi ilustración en eso. Espero que te guste, Donchis ❤️

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What my Coffee says to me February 12 - Celebrate the Year of the Ox with self love and create your own happiness!

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What my says to me January 27 - you've got the power to be all you want. Open your heart and embrace life on your terms! Squeals of love to that!

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Embrace YOUR love filled inner authority.
What my says to me January 27 Squeals of love to that!

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Curl up to love, joy and wisdom, PURR, purrr, PURR, purr those into your life ❤ What my says Jan 16

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What my says to me January 16 - curl up to love, joy and wisdom, PURR, purrr, PURR, purr those into your life ❤

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