Encephalon update! In which Colden continues to be unimpressed by everyone's incompetence. Check it out at https://t.co/YXshJkWt59!

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Booster Gold! Protecting your present to ensure his future! Aaaaand also because he's the only one time traveling villains won't try to kill as a kid because they think his incompetence is legitimate and not just an act, and thus never see him as a threat.

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The modern day heros are calling for support due to lack of PPEs and Medical facilities! It’s not fake news! It’s as real as this government’s incompetence!

13 10

Trump’s incompetence is causing doctors and nurses to gamble w their lives

21 105

Day 47 of quarantine: am endeared to supernatural incompetence Muppet

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The incompetence is killing me.

3 13

The USA is not a Reality TV Show. We need a President who serves all 50 States equally, not a failed game show Host who uses his CoronaVirus “Ratings” as an Opportunity for Surprise “My Pillow” infomercial’s.
People are Dying because of his Lies & Incompetence as a Human.

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Chart for Canada.

A picture of government incompetence.🤡

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The incompetence of Hong Kong govt to handle such as not closing all borders with China and failing to secure medical supplies, and the escalating and suppression of freedoms even at the time of outbreak further infuriate HKers.

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"It's a shame that malice and incompetence can be so difficult to tell apart."

Is it really? They look nothing alike if you ask me.

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For all these people that aren't taking the whole COVID-19 situation serious and NEED TO WORK go to work just be smart and stay clean BUT there's no need to be outside IF THERE'S A VIRUS THAT COULD BE SPREAD TO YOUR ELDERS CAUSE OF YOUR INCOMPETENCE and if you still do then 👇🏾

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My reaction to the constant horror stories going on in my country due to total incompetence or malicious neglect.

1 10

Very alarming! David Muir just reported on ABC News, passengers who fly back to the US from Italy are allowed to blend in without any screening or testing. This, plus the extreme shortage of test kits, is incompetence bordering on criminality.

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WHO: World Health Organization has officially called a

Q: Is the worst yet to come? Dr. Fauci: "Yes... Bottom line it's going to get worse."

With Trump's incompetence it will certainly get worse!

28 59

Wisdom plus skills and experience produces competence. Competence leads to confidence. And that's when life begins to cooperate in every direction.

Recreate your life as a new work of art.

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Tried to touch up the "prototype girl" not convinced it's better. I blame my incompetence 🙃

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Definitely *not* the market tanking because of rampant incompetence and instability in the face of a pandemic. Everything is FINE in the US.

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A Little St. Valentine's~ One hopes everyone is having a pleasant day. An image of the little one being fed a familiar snack by the viewer. Originally desired to produce four more images, but wasn't feasible within the time frame with one's current level of skill & competence.

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