Cosplans I gotta be skinny for by november

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Dije que no quería hacer otra Star Guardian, dije que SG Neeko era muy compleja por el bodypaint, dije que odiaba las ediciones de prestigio... y me sacan SG Neeko prestigio que es preciosa, me encanta demasiado y no tiene bodypaint. Socorro no quiero añadir más cosplans... :(

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**Groom Bowsette WIP**⠀
This thread will be for Bowsette by MightyKow!
Doing what I do best and changing up my cosplans.

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I has cosplans man.

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Okay so I have my cosplans sorted out for this year and I am so fucking excited... I'm doing Namine (KH), Yukiko (p4 Halloween), Marie Antoinette (fgo usa tour poster) and formal saber with as bedivere... I'm so excited...

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major persona cosplans that nobody asked for

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I'll be tabling at Smash this weekend, table D15 with ! ヾ(*ò▽óゞ) Please come visit us if you are attending! Here's my merch catalogue + cosplans (*ò∀⊂*) キャッ (i tried to squish everything in lol)

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It's been figured out now. Current cosplans for next year are Mario Princesses then Guda siblings!

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my mind went 🧠🧠🧠🧠 with my ALA 2020 cosplans

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All these are potential cosplans!!!

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But yes! I'm adding Ryoji Mochizuki to my cosplans uwu

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A bunch of cosplans suddenly appear on me and oh no

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Cosplans for AX pt 1 (by Ekita玄 on pixiv!)

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some of my cosplans ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ) don’t know when i’m gonna get around to these but i’m excited

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Uhhh also cosplans for tomorrow: unsurprisingly.

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Current Cosplans for Anime Expo! I might sub Umaru out for another one if I can create it in time!

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