Designing silly patterns for zipper pouches 🤣💕🌸

1 16

Waiting for the moment for Xiaoge holding Wu Xie like this~

(Ref used)

16 52

Big loud men are scaring Liu Sang

(or some au where Liu Sang accidentally gets turned to a toddler by some artifact the Iron Triangle brought back to Wushanju)

3 27

Iron Triangle Lesson Always have a nice foot soak after a long day of work (or tomb raiding.)

35 93

I believe Hua 'er is so pretty ,
He attracts people that make Xiazi pissed off the way they look at his Flower 😂

4 11

Some doodle art for some tumblr friends' fics and prompts lol

1 10

사해 다 본 기념으로 사해 오사😎

13 26

First attempt heihua fanart~

(Poor Xiazi)

5 14

Reuniting at the of UN in my dreams 😭😭😭

8 26

This part of episode 30-something made me laugh when they were sending each other pictures of their tomb progress and Xiao Ge doesn’t have his shirt on in the picture and Wu Xie flips out🤣🤣🤣

9 41

What Xiao Ge carved into Grandma Huo’s floor in episode 29 of Ultimate Note

18 46