Drew as a cool little pumpkin creature. He made the costume himself please dont bully him or he might dox u :(

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Meet Valentine or “Val” my dnd character Rota’s hypothetical kid with Dox. She’s a changling who constantly draws people for inspiration for new forms

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Just because Kaimana and Dox may get along at times doest mean they don't hate each others guts

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«X of Swords: Creation» might have inadvertently provided us with a great Rosetta Stone to decipher not only Krakoa's language, but other texts that have showed up before during the DoX, including this same issue.
No promises, but I might work on it later.

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My second piece for collection. Am a lifelong fan of and really hoping we keep seeing her prominently in and across the titles

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In Action Comics (1961), Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney introduced the villains far-future descendant, the affable and heroic Querl Dox aka Brainiac 5. His home planet was given as "Yod" but later also as "Bryak" and eventually Colu. Querl is a loveable dork from the very start

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X-Lapsed, Episode 18 wraps up all of the DoX Wave One with... another Psylocke-centered series... well, it's a different Psylocke, but close enough! It's Fallen Angels

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X-Force is one'a those issues that might hitcha like a hole, err... kick to the head!
X-Lapsed, Episode 17 discusses a very interesting issue as we make our way through the DoX (Wave 1)
Also: Your humble host gets called out for being a curmudgeon

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🔆Querl Dox [Brainiac 5]🔆
→ legion of super-heroes

"Querl, you may be smart, but you've got to improve your sense of timing."

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X-Men fans when they DoX someone idk I don't read X-Men comics

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Going to be recording the first episodes of over the next couple of days, and really want to hear everybody's thoughts on the revelations from the second-half of the event!
Please hit me up (here/email/DM) so I can share them in an upcoming episode!

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Lumi can draw one kind of hand and the wrist is ouchier than the fact that she dox people and deny hurting her victims

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XoS Marauders Preview. This Book is by far One of the BEST DOX books out. Storm looks GREAT in White. I have a Theory Storm May rule Wakanda. ⛈ Nice Job I’m EXCITED!!

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"Dox yourself for proof"

Im not stupid enough to post my face all over social media
my body type is similar to Uzaki, and all natural~

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So sticking to a theme with my at the moment. Here’s and enjoying a sunset paddle on beach...it feels like Rachel’s had the best characterisation in one issue of than she’s had in years

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A new visitor arrives!

I just really wanted to draw my science team looking into one of Dox's portals

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decided to dox the room where i tweet from.

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EMPYRE XMEN WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOOK IN DOX SINCE GIANT SIZE JEAN AND EMMA I THINK. This is one of my favorite panels but Magik always looked absolutely stunning.

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Wind down sketch and still geeking out over which came out last week. Never really cared for before but after that first issue...have a feeling he’s going to become a favourite.

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's OC,Dox as Houseki no Kuni Gemdude .
I really enjoy draw the detail on their hair. Although the opaque chalcedony kind of gem really hard and confusing to draw due of their patterns.

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