jadi... ampun mau...

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terima kasih yang sudah menonton tadi... pokoknya terima kasih!!! ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

1 13

'Ratu Kupu-Kupu'

"Jadi... dari minggu lalu kami memasang pagar duri listrik... sebenarnya untuk apa?"
"'Kan, kalau aku petik bunga sendiri lama-lama bosan. Masa tiap hari cuma petik makan, petik makan. Kalau begini kan bisa seru-seruan sambil mencari snack."

8 17

I don't need you or anyone to rescue me, Isaac! I was just about to settle things with Saturos and Menardi... You can watch!

47 92

"I live to serve Babadi..." A late-night sketch of Ssj Majin Tetsu (he's shirtless because drawing folds in clothes makes me cry)

4 12

De même, je crois qu'il sera compliqué d'accéder à Getter Robo Arc, Mo Dao Zu Shi 3 ou Obey me, du moins légalement. Du coup, j'ai repéré une quinzaine de séries sur les différentes plateformes (nouveautés ou suites), dont 7 sortant le samedi...

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star of war oc, she is an ex jedi and specialist in faking her own death (which is why ex jedi...)
works as a detective and is just overall really cool
vaguely hooman but actually from a (made up) whole different species that can see in dark and all

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覇者子ソングアルバム vol.5

Thank you HASHA-RADI, Forever HASHA-RADI...

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You know what they say about former jedi... they dont adhere to the code 😏

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"I want people to feel seen, appreciated and loved. I know how it feels to be overlooked and judged based on your appearance...I create specifically for plus sized bodies because we deserve to be represented in all things." -
Keep readi... https://t.co/nvFkilXOAM

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As promised, I am here to deliver. Thank you to @/FTWStudios99 for demandi... uh I mean asking nicely for us to draw our OCs in school uniforms. I took this piece as a challenge to better myself and to root out some problems with my old style. Please enjoy

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Gdi... Ritsu’s new card reminded me of a cursed picture I saw some time ago.... 🙃 HELP.

36 283

Eh...vale...2 cosas
1. Yo....yo no shippeo a ember con gitan de esa forma, di...dibuje a la familia feliz porque era gracioso el stream de gartic (HE PERDIDO MI SEISO CON ESE FANART NOOOOOOOOO)
2. Había dakimakura de gitan y no me avisa...
La traición amigos...

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"Skadi... wants to know... Who Skadi is..."
Skadi begins to ponders who she truly is. Her Memories slowly returning. Recent events have led her to doubt the one belief she held on to... That she is Human.

(P.S. I love Precious Daughter)

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Jadi... Selama ini aku gambar karena emang suka karena karakternya/kalo emang itu karakter based dari orang asli aku bucin banget. Dia suka OC ku yang ini (Tegapit kiri, Tagapit kanan) ini OC ku sama mantan ku pas pacaran dulu. Karena bucin yah aku gambar mereka tiap saat

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Daripada stres mikirin enstars mending liat aku mainin rambut anakku/j

Jadi... Rambut Angie kuotak atik biar mirip hairstyle anak enstars yang warna rambutnya biru muda, birunya rambut Angie masih agak mirip sama Shinonon/Wataru, kalo sama HiMERU birunya beda

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eu estou A SEMANAS tentando desenhar um rosto que não esteja completamente errado, e hoje eu pensei em tentar simplesmentes reconstruir um usando as bases que aprendi...

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