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To all of you fans out there!! Happy Dragonyule!! Although we never got another true Dragonyule, it is here in our hearts and it’s strong with all of us!!

95 369

My piece for the Dragalia Lost gift exchange event, one
ice-skating bunny for !

42 95

Happy Dragonyule everyone! Wonder who Curran is giving that gift to....

29 45

Merry Christmas and to the Losties, Happy Dragonyule! Nevin and Ramiel hold a special place to me and I love their Dragonyule fits.
I also may have just wanted to draw art for Dragalia 💕

17 23

please tell laxi & mascula they are not the only ones to have a cool butterfly motif

83 197


87 189

my dragonyule gift to for the dragonyule gift exchange!! i had a lot of fun making this <3

20 40

AAAAHHHH i am so glad i participated in the saint starfall gift exchange!! thank you it’s literally so adorable <3333333

56 148

putting the dragon in dragonyule

little dragonyule mercury from dragalia lost!! we didn't have time for an official dragonyule mercury so i decided to make my own take!!

4 7

Happy Dragonyule from Erik and Thaniel to . The marine life featured here can be caught off the west coast of Australia.
(Made for the Dragalia Secret Santa .)

12 23

Happy Holiday!
I wish everyone has a great holiday

82 228


今日のお題 / Today's prompt
> パティア / Patia
> プロメテウス / Prometheus
> ガトフ / Gatov

ルール / Rules

Beginners welcome!

3 15

21. still regret never having gotten phares especially bc dragalia is… lost

0 4

Louise and Rex for @/ Aninymouse !!

76 343

Notte for today based on 's birthday. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice birthday!

20 120

this shit is fucking killing me bc it even sounds like chelle

44 180