
26 75

Went from fighting kids to fighting aliens and that's what I call growth!

7 10

The Mother series 30th anniversary is in 2019, so i wanted to make something to celebrate it.

0 10

ms paint mother 1 crew!! (and also first time drawing teddy)

29 97

so i got really into the mother series recently. whoops!
here's all the boys from the mother games! (and travis is there too!)

50 111

Wanted to redesign Queen Mary, but I can't decide on which color scheme to use. Thoughts?

2 25

Last night I thought of taking another whack at redesigning the Mother 1 cast, or at least Ana and Lloyd since I was never satisfied with them. Also wanted to draw Teddy as I didn't do him last time. Ninten is the same.

22 82

im out here testing out new stuff
note how these two were made within the same 2 hours dkjjejdhjdhdh i switch fast eugh do i want to tag this, yeah okay

48 128

So basically, this didnt turn out right but what can ya do ? :,^]

25 65

The Earthbound boys have a new little brother in their midst! <3 A cute doodle that I ended up spending way too much time coloring! This was also my first time drawing Ness and Ninten!

22 72

Take a melody
Simple as can be
Give it some words and
Sweet harmony

181 542

Drew the my own redesigns of squad in some fighting poses! They are all excited to fight and gain EXP.

30 126

I LOVE mother 1 so much ,,,,,probably my fav mother

61 167