画質 高画質


298 1966

Greetings. I’m looking for kawanbabu, yang mau temenan sama Wriothesley main satu ini. I go by he/him and legal age. Butuh teman aktif yang bisa dijbjbin dan diajak mabar.
Leave a trace/carrd, I’ll hit you up asap

0 2

babu! cw // bxg , Wriothesley x Furina , wriofuri

izin share editan hasil kegabutan sender 👉🏻👈🏻

0 10

Trying my luck to gain new kawanbabu for my empty timeline—preferably those who legal by age. For brief information, a Wriothesley main, I also set eyes on animangas, kpop, HSR, and genshin lore. Kindly drop your TMI and I will see you soon.

0 7

Seorang Artist! diduga memiliki obsesi akut terhadap Wriothesley igun ❤️

0 3

[ ⛓️🌧️ + Itto ] Bull-chan meeting doggo-kun's husband

2341 14088

🌧️⛓️ Possessive

1371 10164


757 6077

Ada yang mau genshinmoots an sama sender? Loud abt wriothesley n tends to hype bxg more esp my otps. Mdni n if ure interested leave trace below~

P.s. wriorinde, neuvifuri and jealuc shipper got a freepass🎟️

0 16

Art! Wriothesley Wip by sender hehe 😋😋

1 11

🌧️⛓️ ヌヴィリオ

1101 9117

hALOOOO kawanbabu sp mau brteman sma calon sigewinne main?!!? 😰😱😱😋☝️ yg tidak masalah ak suka kosple + hype zhongchi haikaveh neuvithesley 🥺✌️✌️ rep ap ajhh nnti ak datangi dirimu 🥺👊🏻💥

0 4


1464 9291