Hey I’m Joyokii, I usually work with Fanloids since they’re my main interest. You can find me on Animo, Instagram, twitter as “Joyokii” and DA as “Joyokii-Sama” (YouTube is Joyokii P)

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I look at these pictures and I understand that there is potential, but this is no good!

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the most beautiful pervert 🎤

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“When your ex gets hot” an adorable Zenko art work from ❤️ (I have a big crush on this ship)

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bueño, a petición de Fran(?) aquí el Ryuzo en su modo append xDD
La verdad que me gusta la paleta de color de éste dibujín uvu

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dibujito randomsito de la noshe 6u6
La verdad que me está encantando este estilo experimental jaja x/D
Es mi "vocaloid" en su modo Append uvu 💖

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