here’s a close up and the template! B]

0 4

My Hemlock running from the law (a teacher) with fellow unhinged queen Pandora ('s sona~) and a newly found...friend.

13 201

Oh boy, it took awhile but here she is! Your pretty pastel Life Doman Cleric, Franziska Peacetalon! Just wants to be friends with everyone! Thank you for making the template, I had a ton of fun!

1 13

​ time for my if you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know I’ve drawn Vi before - mutuals feel free to drop ur own OCs and ill try draw some 🙏

✨ kofi link if you’re feeling generous ✨ >>

10 120

Oops! Was supposed to go to sleep but found out about 's and had to make one!

I always thought the Majorettes on the Color Guard were the coolest in high school, so meet my Goblin baddie, Porche Mosslake. HOOT GROWL, y'all.

4 45

I am not immune to making OCs. Saw ’s template and I had to have a go for myself.

1 16

I couldn’t resist doing a little which is just me but as a very stressed out teen elf clown. Thank you for the template and idea!

61 1247

i just had to make one!! that i havent drawn any fantasy high fanart is honestly criminal. template by

23 181

HOOT GROWL 💪 Meet my Pandora Deadbough! A destructive Dreadslam player turned vampire after defending her team from a night-game ambush, she’s here to help destroy anything & anyone.

Saw ’s last night and had to join in the fun!

75 725

A casual because it looked fun.
Listen, they may be smart, but they do dumb things.

1 25

I saw the meme going around and I just knew I had to draw Jade 😭

14 72

Jaye Umstead, my :3 he’s so much cooler than i was but don’t be mean he WILL cry

4 33

is so fun, let's hear it for all the folks who weren't goth in high school but desperately wanted to be 🥀🌑😈

75 789

doodles. The 2nd of which is them as a kid with 's Kristen because w/ that red hair & freckles... do I smell cousins?? You know, the one cousin you suspect is also queer so you make meaningful eye contact at family gatherings but never say anything

7 58

I joined the party and made a Pippin is a satyr drama kid glamour bard with a flare for dramatics and a love of stage special effects. He dreams of adventure and heroics, and gets a little too excited over most things.

I already love this kid so much.

8 125

Ok, when I saw 's template, I just... couldn't not. Please enjoy: literally just high school me. You can't prove I didn't have a cool treble clef rapier.

11 148

Drew Katja being causally South Asian . Idk if I captured horse girl energy

51 679