Short-Beaked Common Dolphin

Scientific Name: Delphinus delphis
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 35 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Mairuka
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southeast Indian Ocean
Diet: Carnivore
Japanese Name: マイルカ

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Eastern Wolf

Distribution: Great Lakes
Conservation Status: ?
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 3-4 years
Romanised Name: Shinrin ōkami
Scientific Name: Canis lupus lycaon
Also known as: Eastern Timber/Algonquin/Deer Wolf
Japanese Name: シンリンオオカミ
Diet: Carnivore

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A pile of and
considering their very different lifespans and how Zell is going to be such a silver fox when he gets older.

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My response to Kaeya's juicy birthday art this year 🤧 Kaeya's pecs added 10 years to my lifespan, I feel so blessed 🛐

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White-Eared Opossum

Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Didelphis albiventris
Distribution: South America
Also known as: White-Eared Possum
Romanised Name: Shiro mimi opossamu
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 months
Japanese Name: シロミミオポッサム

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Arctic Hare

Scientific Name: Lepus arcticus
Japanese Name: ホッキョクウサギ
Romanised Name: Hokkyokuusagi
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 5 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Herbivore
Distribution: Northern North America

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The disabled character OTD is...

Clint Barton, better known as Hawkeye!

He has been deaf on and off throughout his lifespan. He is arguably the most visibly deaf hero within Marvel comics, having multiple instances of him using American Sign Language and wearing hearing aids.

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Eurasian Otter

Japanese Name: ユーラシアカワウソ
Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Europe, Central Asia, China, India, Southeast Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4 years
Scientific Name: Lutra lutra
Romanised Name: Yūrashiakawauso
Conservation Status: Near Threatened

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Huacaya Alpaca

Japanese Name: アルパカ・ワカイヤ
Also known as: Huacaya
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 25 years
Romanised Name: Arupaka wakaiya
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Distribution: South America
Scientific Name: Vicugna pacos

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Steller Sea Lion

Scientific Name: Eumetopias jubatus
Also known as: Steller's Sea Lion
Distribution: the Northern Pacific
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 8 years (males), 30 years (females)
Romanised Name: Todo
Diet: Piscivore
Conservation Status: Near Threatened

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Chinese White Dolphin

Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: シナウスイロイルカ
Romanised Name: Shinausuiroiruka
Also known as: Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin
Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Southeast Asia, Australia

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Kyūshū Flying Squirrel

Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Romanised Name: Kyuushuu musasabi
Japanese Name: キュウシュウムササビ
Conservation Status: ?
Diet: Unknown
Scientific Name: Petaurista leucogenys leucogenys

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Great Cormorant

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 Years
Distribution: Atlantic ocean
Romanised Name: kawau
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Also known as: Great cormorant, black cormorant, black shag
Diet: Piscivore
Japanese Name: カワウ
Scientific Name: Phalacrocorax carbo

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Indian Star Tortoise

Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Japanese Name: インドホシガメ
Romanised Name: Indohoshigame
Scientific Name: Geochelone elegans
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 30-80 years
Diet: Herbivore
Distribution: South Asia

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Also known as: chigüire
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4 years
Scientific Name: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
Romanised Name: Kapibara
Japanese Name: カピバラ
Diet: Herbivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Distribution: South America

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Tachikoma Type-A

Romanised Name: Tachikoma type-A
Conservation Status: Unidentified Mysterious Animal
Distribution: Unknown
Japanese Name: タチコマ type-A
Scientific Name: ?
Diet: Unknown
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown

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INCREASE YOUR LIFESPAN BY TURNING ON NOTIFS HERE, look forward to our Ready Steady cover!!!


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Green Pheasant

Distribution: Japan
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Also known as: Japanese green pheasant
Scientific Name: Phasianus versicolor
Romanised Name: Kiji
Japanese Name: キジ
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Omnivore

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Tibetan Sand Fox

Japanese Name: チベットスナギツネ
Romanised Name: Chibetto Sunagitsune
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 8-10 years
Diet: Carnivore
Also known as: Tibetan Fox, Sand Fox
Distribution: Asia
Scientific Name: Vulpes ferrilata

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