I just had a thought as I’m listening to Todd & Joe over at . W/ the effort of creators across publishers working hard to assist impacted by the & w/ no this year, it would be the perfect time for publishers to do an epic crossover.

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Comics read in 2020 Part 62:

-The Tick FCBD 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

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En attendant notre preview du tome 2 qui sera disponible gratuitement pendant le le 2 Mai, Le Garçon Sorcière T1 est toujours dispo en librairie ! 🥰

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Les premières pages de Carbone & Silicium de proposées gratuitement durant le FCBD https://t.co/nY1YnDqPKJ

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Please I can’t take this, I just want to know if the FCBD issue with Virus is a flashback; I can’t stand seeing Eddie like this. :(

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What do you think will happen to Venom & Carnage’s Symbiotes after the explosion on Venom island?

We see Venom facing off with Virus in the FCBD issue so we know he survives, but if Venom could survive that, wouldn’t carnage too?

What do you think? I’ll list some ideas:

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Raise your hand if you're a manga fan! 🙋‍♀️

Here's a few of the incredible manga titles available on What catches your eye???

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Comics Read in 2020 Part 36:

-TMNT Ongoing (IDW) 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99

-TMNT FCBD 2019 Special

Guys, IDW’s March to 100 with the City At War Story is so freaking good.

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On 3/4/20 for returns with ish Be there when & meet for the 1st time & joins the team for round 2 with a certain well-read ghost from the first movie! All from &

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【FCBD 2020】スパイダーマン(とブラックキャットとヴァルチャー)絵かわゆい+ダイナミック+綺麗![試し読み頁引用]

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ライアン・ステッグマン が公開した、マーベルの新キャラ…どことなく、アレとアレが合わさった感あり。5月2日からのフリーコミックブックデイ(FCBD)にて詳細が明らかになるのかも?期待大!

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Un aperçu de Spider-Man / Venom FCBD 2020 par Donny Cates (), , , Frank Martin Jr (), et chez pour le Day https://t.co/ZTPBSwVyP6

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【ASM 7】ブーメラン「仲間を裏切り一人も友達いない。でもお前らと暮らして、いい奴らだなって。俺ほどイケメンじゃないから一緒に遊ぶと俺がモテ―いや今度こそ俺も真っ当になれるんじゃないかと」(超嘘吐きでスマホも盗まれ敵に襲われたけど、ピーターは信じた😅)[画像:FCBD 2018試し読み頁引用]

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【ASM 6】ピーター『つい最近、ブーメランは自然史博物館を強盗し僕はそれを追った―だが"キングピン"も彼を追っていた。ブーメランが盗んだものが何にせよ、フィスクはそれが欲しくて堪らない。ブーメランは逃げ、何の運命の悪戯か、一時間後僕の同居人になった』[画像:ASM 6&FCBD 2018試し読み頁引用]

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A preview of the Dark Ark FCBD 2020 Special I did with and !

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Comic shops are about 12% of our sales, so it is still an important market. We do have initiatives targeting that market, like our annual FCBD book, and our TPB line created specifically at comic retailers' request to have that format available.

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Tibi asks: Will Mr. Perez be signing at any local comic stores before or during Free Comic Book Day in May? I’d like to get one signature and am trying to avoid going to overcrowded to meet him.

GPz: I will not be making any store appearances for this year’s FCBD

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