is a four-way tie

(I was very enchanted by that cgi Link)

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Ok here's mine. Keep in mind these are from Elementary School & early Jr High for me lol

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I don't remember which one was first, so let's give them a tie💦

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I was obsessed with a lot of sailor moon characters but I distinctly remember my crush on him lol

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when i was a lad i lived off cartoon network and toonami

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What can I say young me had taste!

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Can't remember my but I remember who I first started drawing nsfw art of on ripped-out pages of my sketchbook. (Which I then threw away in shame lol)

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ok so
if im gonna be completely honest................still kinda do too hes precious okay??????

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Let’s just say my crushes were a bit down to earth.

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my plus female cartoon characters i had an odd fixation to as a kid for Some Weird Reason

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