I’m trying to follow more ducks. If you’re a holder, ❤️ this post.

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Can officially call this my own Duck now since it’s in my possession and staked! Bought out my IRL friend earlier today who I shared this with! Let’s Ducking Go!! 🦆💯🔥

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for sure! I’ve never seen a project like it! Just got my potion from the merchant! Can’t wait to see what else is in store!

2 15

GM Ducks, GM world! Sun is shining, both Nonconformist Ducks collections are trending , floor up, owners up, FUD down. So, Ducks 👍, no Ducks 👎. Have yourself a great day everyone. https://t.co/xdWG7POykS

17 45

Tuesday I Found My Forever Duck Listed, Problem was Payday was Thursday I Knew it would Sell. I mentioned in Discord and , a second later, Bought it and said they and would hold it for me til Payday..Thank You friend❤️

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