mancing-mancing bonitosnya
ya Hamboni senang memancing
(dan french fries)

u sing u lose uwu
the livechat basically :

5 23

G-man voice: Mr. Freemaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

1 6

My opinions are weird...

I love Citrus with all my heart even though it’s flawed.

On the other hand, I like, but don’t love Bloom Into You because I think it’s also flawed.

Hypocrisy thy name is G-Man 😅

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Local dog-man attempts to protect blind orphan from various demons. More at 11.

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Today I'll be live drawing at this Burning-Man-Inspired digital party from 9pm to 11pm <3 Caiganle :)

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"Gordon Freeman in the flesh. Or rather, in the hazard suit."

Drew the G-man some time ago but forgot to post it on twitter, so here you go!

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♦: Is no one gonna mention the fact that Kirishima's hardening has gotten so powerful that it can pierce Gigantomachia?

Said G-Man fought the L.O.V for a month straight without taking any damage.

Thus: my boi sharp & tough ~

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The happiest of birdthday to the G-man!! :)

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G-man? G-man :)

6 9

@/_lastlegacies I think about this specific screenshot of pimp masters G-man and Ricky-T sometimes

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Manang-mana sa mga papa. Ginawa din nila to hahahaha

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"What if I could offer you something you don't know you want?"

Hi Darcy and G-man are both inter-dimensional entities and it just works

3 21

attack on Feathery-flying-mangos on insta!! and Feathery-mango on ArtFight!

it's supposed to be transparent but twitter messes is up

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I think he zoned out through G-Man's big speech

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I’ll fucking fight anyone who calls Spring-Man boring, just because he was the poster boy of ARMS didn’t mean he lacked character.

You’re really gonna look at these expressions and tell me he was bland? Fuck that, this dude was a wacky energetic pizza loving goofball.

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Marvel Fill-ins: Amazing Spider-Man

It's a double shot of Peter David silliness as he teams with Sal Buscema for the Toad/Frog-Man battle, and then takes Spidey to the suburbs with Bob McLeod.

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also some experimental doodles from last week! Boyer for , and a PF token for my awful idiot dog-man, Vega.

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Dig this 1951 pulp mag cover (& original by Norman Saunders!

John D. MacDonald & Day Keene head up an impressive contributor lineup!

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"LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4" has been updated. Added the monster page "Frog-Man" (34/55, 61%). It’s an edible frog that lives in the Philippine Islands and has been turned into a giant by local magician.

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