I like how I find it so natural to see Gempa in a pink apron.

Also, I ddnt knw twitter limits only 4 photos 😩

63 207

I present you, Gempa\(ϋ)/♩

67 191

Bob--Eehh, Boi, ini edisi gambar mensquishy-squsihy trio ori 😌✨ //pegang pipi doang siih hahaa

39 100

Dukacita memaklumkan perginya Kartunis Ujang, Aie (Shaari Sulong) di usia 48 tahun di kediamannya di Banting, Selangor akibat komplikasi buah pinggang. Arwah terkenal dengan karakter kartun Abe dalam Aku Hidup Dalam Blues. Takziah diucapkan…
Sumber: FB Ujang

43 58

//TW blood

Dahlah ga sesuai ekspektasi 🚶🏻‍♀️

Pulsa abis mulu jadi ketinggalan informasi fucc

36 110

Boi gempa wants to say
"good morning ✨"

*Gempa Is tired*

42 135

Another day with the Ori trio!! Man I wanna protect Gempa's smile qwq

27 83

Puppeteer the former gempak starz artist. Legit love this dude’s art dulu.

His art was some next level shit. Wish i still have some of his old books. https://t.co/vu37VIKF0V

7 40

A crying Gempa to lit up your day 😆😆

48 178

BoBoiBoy Gempa✨✨✨

Quality goes brrrrr

10 28

Hanging out with these boys. Sorry not sorry for ruining Boys’ Hangout Day lmaooo

1 6

*quietly places old fanart of gempa inside the summoning circle* 🤣🤣🤣

5 34