The Dirty Nest expanded, but can you guess who the new Dirt Bird is ?🐦🔥

54 188

Hoootie hoooo!!
moving! .08 floor and rising! 333 eth trading volume! Where my Hooters at!?!?

53 183

谁能帮我的 估个价🦉🦉🦉

16 66

thank you very much

I got my prize 🥳🎉
My new
Plus $25 🥰💵

PS. I hope it will bring me luck🍀 as well as these seven brought me❤ I belive in Lucky Charms👁

0 0

Do the dirty follow ???🤝
Just got five bad ass !!

Show me how dirty you are

Hello do you have a new pet on your side?🦉🐟🪝

50 137

GM! Dear ones, be very careful! Take care of and your 😔 My morning started with a stupid mistake, i lost my mark them in red*

1 6

I missed my Goblin, I had to get another Goblin.

The food truck and 🍔 slinging in New York was great fun and I still ♥️ a McGoblin hat - it would have been a promotion for sure. 🤣

Does still work?

13 77

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8 41

ₜₕₑ cₒₘb ₐₙd dₑ bₑₑᵣ 🧌

19 115

Our PRE MINT Raffle is Live! 🥳

✅Retweet and share with your friends!

23 28

Picked up my 3rd yay! Always wanted one with wings and a horn! Show me yours since I've shown you mine, let's see 'em!!!

18 162