giant benry is a cool antagonist but an even cooler team member

23 113

(1/3) ⚠️ SPOILERS ⚠️ if you haven’t watched HLVRAI from please do so. This is the end monologue from Doctor Coomer played by

94 392

(just felt like drawin a bubby)

20 56

BIRTHDAY DRAWING FOR MY DATEMATE BC I LOVE THEM!!! Half life vr ai time. Epic funnie

4 23

And the universe said "I love you"

(Here's hoping that Twitter doesn't destroy the quality of these--)

14 38

(reposted to fix smth. if u saw the original no you didnt <3)

3 17

Drew Doctor Coomer from by featuring the ever amazing and beautiful as Doctor Coomer themselves. Thanks to the entire cast for bringing this series to life. Hopefully we will get to enjoy more from you al-HELLO, GORDON!

26 137