Inspired by this post: Kazuhira Miller from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

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Holy…😍that BREASTS!!#KazuhiraMiller

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Yuri!!! on Ice trio Yurio, Yuri and Victor strike a pose for the poster in Otomedia, illustrated by CD Tadashi Hiramitsu and Ayumi Yamada!❄️

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白峰 猫(Shiramine Byou)
喀血王国PGNo.004 さん
危険人物。猫と書いてびょうと読む。別にねこさんでも構わない。 ある意味赤色が映える人物。芸術方面にはちょっと煩い。

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Based on the official cd drama Heiwa to Wahei no Blues and the 8th Paz’s Diary Entry

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