I saw someone ask a while back if it’s ever established in canon whether Mairon ever found out it was Finrod in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Short answer, after perusing the relevant text: no.

My personal interpretation, for my own amusement, below.

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I'm on a roll with Silmarillion studies even though I haven't read it in years. But Mairon/Sauron will always be strawberry blond and slutty looking. The other two are Yavanna and Varda.

22 43

현명한 핀웨
Wise Finwë

현명한 정신은 강한 육체에 깃들...겠죠? 핑골핀은 무조건 떡대여야 한다고 생감함

39 92

페아나로 쿠루핀웨
Fëanáro Curufinwë

90 194

🍂The Great River Anduin.
For a small, static art print of this painting please see my Etsy Art Shop 😊

1 4

“Silmarillions must die”

67 603

“Many a man of arms misreads patience and quiet. She did much good among us at much cost. Her heart was not faint, and patience will break at the last.”


0 1

Joining the with my illustrations to The Silmarillion

0 0

here I am 👋 I do fairies and silmarillion stuff

5 7

🌙Silion of Valinor🗡 - OC from Tolkien universe. Her name means «Moon's daughter»
👑Daniros of Andor🛠 - OC from Tolkien universe. His name means «Foam maker»
(Adding colors)

2 9

올리는 걸 깜빡해버린 길 갈라드

55 142

디오르는 루시엔에게서 아름다움을, 베렌에게서 피지컬을 물려 받았을 것 같음. 내 뇌피셜임
Dior would have inherited beauty from Lúthien and strong physical from Beren. it's just my headcanon

11 39