January: motivated, in a new relationship, soft. planning to travel a lot. excited to vote for Bernie.

September: tired. single. lowkey slutty. haven't left the house in months. preparing for war.

https://t.co/R37sJn3tPy https://t.co/RXw0iAfY8y

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January: Ready to go on dates, excited to graduate, and genuinely excited
September: burnt out, tired of being stuck at home, celebrating with minimum effort, and just overall depressed. https://t.co/oo4YaOy20P

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January: Diagnosed with brain lesions. Lots of neurological side effects. Questioned my own mortality for months.
September: EVEN MORE health issues and in general everything has gone to shit.
(Sorry this one is pretty depressing.) https://t.co/LAJWuSvowE

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January: had a job and money and hope

Now: I have nothing https://t.co/Mt2bZp83Of

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January: Code to write n debug. Just University stuff, got classes to pass but nothing too stressful. Code usually works.
September: Code to write n debug. I have put myself in this situation willingly and I care about it. Code is not working, No Idea why. Help.

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january: life is good! things are going my way! i had a date sometime around then

september: i have done things to my hair. things are still ok ig https://t.co/MSQ9f7O28E

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January: I can't wait to start teacher training! Wrestling is great too, I can feel my debut coming soon!!
September: are my lectures online or in person? How do I do a wristlock? We're going into lockdown again? Figures...

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Hey I did the-

January: Just went through an awful breakup, literally no energy, life going nowhere, no motivation, can't be bothered

Now: Died at some point and became an annoying cringe demon, still no energy (but does things anyway), lots of motivation, bothers you

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January: absolutely destroyed from my senior year of college, couldn’t see any friends bc of workload, depressed and cold 24/7
Now: vaguely recovering, maybe spiraling too far w/o structure but I’m just a blanket beast

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January: went to ALA, car two payments away from being paid off, applied for a new job to start mid March.
September: unemployed, stress cut, bleach, and dyed part of my hair, depression back with friends, cope through dnd and tiktok. Missing friends and needing a hug from my dad https://t.co/2qaEcJ9dlR

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January vs September
January: planning vacations and cosplay and conventions for the year, 2020 goal socialize more
September: working from home, 3 months gone because of animal crossing, taught my cat how to sit for treats, 6 hour naps but still sleepy, makeup??

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January: Bummed abt missing ALA but planning to travel the nation for cons. Watching all the movies
September: grew out hair "as a bit", haven't worn a collared shirt in five months, coasting on caffeine. at least I have my own place now
https://t.co/CxlCjYFIy2 https://t.co/hAfD4iBGac

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January: I'll finally write my monograph this year!

September: I'm finally writing my monograph while there's an apocalypse going on in the hopes of graduating before the world ends https://t.co/79t0w5xfag

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January: depressed but coping, looking for internships, drawing more, high hopes for senior year
September: ADVANCED depression, what's a job market?, burned out, waiting for an excuse to go Ape Shit https://t.co/FTtGlYj5II

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January: energized, happy, working on amazing projects and overall having a lovely time

Now: seasonal depression just joined the server, alongside yearly depression, quarantine depression, newly graduated and jobless https://t.co/XBy2eS0Eq5

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January: ironically probably one of the worst times, was in a toxic household that kept draining me, kept gaining weight from depression eating as well

september: actually happy, starting to get life back on track health, bags gone slightly, living in dorms now https://t.co/Wc7eFDUUMR

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January: generally completely clueless, going out of town every weekend, doing shoots like a mad man, making lots of friend plans

Now: 100% done with your shit, eldritch knowledge, will fight you in a Denny’s parking lot, paint permanently in hands, friends?? Idk them https://t.co/RvjtNcDEkE

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Me in january: nice miku concert, skin GLOWING, PINK HAIR!!!, meet ups and sleepovers with friends, TRAVEL !!!

Me in september: burnt out, losing touch of everything, low on energy ALWAYS, ARTBLOCKKK, barely see anyone out of safety for my mom, BIG sad also gigantic roots

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January: starting the year with a new haircut, ready for good things

Now: ...yeah https://t.co/ukhRwtF19k

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january: recovering from a hard christmas season but otherwise ready for a year of traveling to meet internet friends and cons. maybe ill go to japan?

now: preparing for a hard christmas season. havent seen most of my friends in over a year. sleep deprived. waiting for the end

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