As suggested by ! here's hanzo and mccree enjoying and then regretting their date night uwu

84 253

here is my old gif! i made it a while back on a frenzy

256 677

warm up with my favorite cowboy 🌵(I even did a background? who am I??)

1 3

This turned out a bit self-indulgent I guess :V

18 63

commission for (#jessemccree as Paul Bunyan and as Robin Hood)

5 47

this is like..the ONLY mouth i've ever drawn, that i've liked 💋💕

1 36

Thank-you card for Ashley. I really appreciate your patronage!

31 157

She has short hair now, bc long hair gives her nice memories and she can't have that
Actually, it's most likely just narrative symbolism of cutting old ties, but I like to turn things into cute shit lol
Bonus Braided Hair Ashe

17 60

jesse mccree had messy hair until he got his cowboy hat, fight me I’m right

1 4

Deadbork Rebels? Overwoof? Yeah, I'm bad at puns...

21 60