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Here's My OC, Princess Josephine Simpson!

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Okay, Here's one of My OCS, Princess Josephine Elijah Simpson. The Oldest, Lesbian, Serious and Comic Book Loving Sister of The Three Nerdy Princesses!

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Here's My OC, Princess Josephine Simpson.

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Judging from that rainbow, I assume that you're celebrating Pride Month! So Here's My OC, Princess Josephine Simpson! (She is a lesbian.)

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Left is my main OC: Cinder. Love drawing him
Right is my dnd OC: Josephine (Jojo)
I have many plans to draw her out

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2枚目はドイツの無声映画Die Frauen von FoliesBergères のポスター😍
15年位前に発売されたJosephine Baker Collectionは『南海の女王』『はだかの女王』『タムタム姫』の三枚組でしたなあ🤓

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I was about to give you the Sonic version of Josephine but I can't find it and I'm pretty sure you're more likely to use her color palette more than the rest of her anyways.

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As honor of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Can you do my OC, Princess Josephine Simpson holding The Lesbian Flag?

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I also need to finish the first part of my LGBT+ OCs series, here’s what I have so far!! Josephine, Jack and Stephanie!!!

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I close my eyes then I drift away
Into the magic night, I softly say
A silent prayer like dreamers do
Then I fall asleep to dream my
dreams of you
In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk to you
In dreams you're mine all of the time…

In Dreams—Roy Orbison💫

Josephine Wall🎨

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Here's an artwork of one of my OCS, Princess Josephine Elijah Simpson. Also, hooray I can reply.

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Alright, here we have Fenneden (Fen for short)- my terrible, horrible bastard son who is absolutely totally not a serial killer (yes he is and I am So Sorry). Followed by his first, and ONLY SURVIVING victim (she gets his ass with the help of her gf don’t worry), Josephine 🥺

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El influencer brasileño Jesse Koz, conocido por viajar con su inseparable perro abordo de un Volkswagen del 78, perdieron la vida.

Su viaje que inició en 2017 y los llevó por más de 19 países terminó de forma trágica en un accidente automovilístico en Josephine, Oregón, EE.UU.🥺

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Josephine and Adaar 🥰

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