Retold rather than abridged, these classics support literacy requirements at KS2 &the English Curriculum at KS3! GCSE set texts. Online now!

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Want to refresh you KS2 non-fiction readers? 12 NEW Big Cat books are coming soon. Buy in a set at 20% discount

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beautifully illustrated, 4 yr old loves it, planning to use it to supplement writing in KS2 too

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Great day developing new KS2 school fossil event , due to pilot nxt week - lots of bookings already

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Lots of teachers inquiring about new KS1 & KS2 event : Deep History Coast Discovery! Call 01493 743944

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Exclamation marks all wrong. Shakespeare would have failed KS2tests

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KS1 and KS2 teachers! We have free resources on the DK-S website!

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kakooyo!でライブ配信中 - 和っぽいの by ks2_cat

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Working from life and from poetry with KS2 yesterday...

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