War of Wrath - firatsolhan

he War of Wrath, also called the Great Battle, was a war of Elves, Men, and Valar against Morgoth that marked both the end of the First Age and of Morgoth's rule in Middle-earth

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Glorfindel and Ecthelion - Mysilvergreen

Ecthelion was an Elf-lord of Gondolin, leader of the People of the Fountain and slayer of Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs.

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Smaug - JonHodgson

He gloated. 'My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!'

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If you dont already know, I am a HUGE fan. here are a few of my inspired paintings.

Just 3 days left in my holiday sale. Use code HOLIDAY at checkout to get 20% off


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Théodred's and Éomer - reafre

The death of Théodred made his cousin Éomer the heir to the throne of Rohan. Little else is known about him, except that he loved Éomer like a brother, and loved no one more except for Théoden.

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Happy Birthday to actors Kim Basinger (#Batman), David Carradine (#KillBillVol1and2), Dominic Monaghan (#TheLordofTheRings), and Matthias Schoenaerts (#TheOldGuard).

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Mines of Mount Gundabad - Lucas Staniec

-Durin the Deathless, oldest of the Fathers of the Dwarves, awoke at Mount Gundabad shortly after the Awakening of the Elves in the Years of the Trees.

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If you’re looking for Tolkien inspired gifts this holiday season, these designs (and more!) are in my RB shop! Link below ⬇️

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The Lord of the Rings. Galadriel - Victoria Victorem

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