Nos cinco dias finais, abrimos a temporada de sorteios! Um kit de Lampião e todos os quadrinhos da Indie por termos atingido 1000% da meta... Mais um se chegarmos a 800 apoiadores... E a partir daí, um a cada 50 apoiadores a mais! Vamo lá gente!

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The events from both LoN and RnR2 surround the mystery of an ancient civilization... LoN came out in 2006, and RnR2 in 2007. I wonder if Atlampia and Mu were going to have some sort of connection to one another or something?
Luna and Sherrice also look quite similar

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21. berani adu fisik. Bukan gayanya.
Tanpa terduga Jalung melihat sosok putih entah dari mana. Hampir mirip asap putih mengikuti mereka, tapi dia persis di samping Heriyul, dari hawa yang dirasakan Jalung, sosok itu penuh amarah yang bakal segera dilampiaskannya. Jalung berusaha

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Daqui a pouco vamos sortear um dakimakura de Lampião e um de Sagittarius pros apoiadores de cada financiamento! Tá querendo? Acompanha no nosso Instagram!

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Tá chegando a hora de cumprir a promessa: atingimos 600 apoiadores, e vamos sortear o dakimakura de Lampião nesta quarta, 04/08! Quem vai ser a pessoa de sorte que vai dormir com essa belezura?

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Other work by the Ladybird artists, part 164.
‘The Boat House’ (advertisement circa 1955)

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Back home from glamping and now I’m sad to see all the chores I need to catch up on. But I have a lot of work to do to get back on track.

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Lampiao (Chap. 0) - Follow the thread -->

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If you want to know the idea. It was Captain Dario and Captain Horst saying that they would kill each other while walking towards one another in an intimidating pose (two piece) Then them coming to each other and clamping each others arms like a true bro move. Like This

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Pelampiasan kekesalan hari ini

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大くん 29歳のお誕生日
おめでとう🎂( '-' 🎂 )ケーキドウゾ💕



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Todos os apoios físicos de Lampião agora tem imã de geladeira com a imagem especial da capa de cordel!
Quando chegarmos em 200% vai ter poster A4 de Lampião e a entidade. ✌️ Obrigado demais a todos vocês, em breve ainda mais novidades!!

82 521

Você chegou a ver por aí algumas postagens falando de um "mangá" brasileiro que conta uma história estilo dark fantasy sobre o cangaceiro Lampião?
Então, esse mangá vai ter continuação com direito a publicação de mídia física impressa através de financiamento coletivo. (+)

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Pelampiasan sedih karna ga dapet SNM dan SBM:’)
So yea........
(Btw twt gw ko jd sepi yak... yaiyalah org gw ga on cug)

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KangeNNNNNN hiks :”(((( udah terlampiaskan sih kangennya TAPI MASIH KANGEN

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Apr 12, 2015. By: AliceBellePurzel
[9 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Flampion :)"

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LAMP IN TERREN の新曲「心身二元論」が本日6月9日より配信開始となっています。

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We wouldn't want to leave either if we were on a beach with a glass of ice-cold lemonade 🏖 But you still have time to enjoy all the fun in our Glamping event! Lucky you 😎

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