Estaba viendo uno de tus videos de ¨LifeHacks¨y siempre que dices ¨DIY¨me parto de risa 💕 XD Tuve que dibujarte en esa parte jajaja,espero te guste!Saluditos de Argentina 💕

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Monday Subscribers to the Patreon at the $5 level and up get digital copies of every new when they're released!

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I've avoided tons of traffic beause of this

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ivy from my volt white 2 team (lifehack: if you can draw paws but not legs, just turn all legs into pawfeets. problem solved. im a genius.)

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I keep seeing tweets about milk prices being high...

Lmao y'all dumb you can get milk for free just do this

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Success! So what are your plans on how to get rich?

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I've avoided tons of traffic beause of this

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"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." —Edgar Degas 😮 📷 🚀

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I feel like I should apologise for this. But I won't.

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