HES GIVING FLOWERS TO MEGURO OH MY GOD SJHDJFJFJFJ 😭😭 ...see you around Nikaido I’m gonna miss u bby🥺🥺🥺😢

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SHIHOGRAPH 1st exhibition
"Hope in tokyo"
日時:2020/8/30(日) 11:00-18:00


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Masaki Meguro bunny ver. 2 🐰

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8. Best Soundtrack:

Shadowbringers (Masayoshi Soken). Nier Automata (Okabe Keiichi). Bravely Default (Revo). Persona 4 Golden (Meguro Shoji).

I had a hard time narrowing it to just 4, ok-- but these are the ones that always come to mind first.

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Meguro status - still doesn't last 5 min before losing every shred of seeming like danger or in posession of dignity

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M: Hey colleague. Sorry, but could you just silently leave? The only business I have is with the ayakashi over there
R: Colleague? And your name is...?
M: Hmm, my name? Are you a gradeschooler or something?
R: Have particular reasons you can't tell yours then?
M: ...It's Meguro

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........so after jokes and references it's time for the other reason you don't begin TO with Meguro

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Meguro route done, and I think I'm gonna be amused forr a while on how the conclusion of the spitewar bickering was Meguro dubbing Rei as his eternal princess that he serves for life now

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R: *dead tired* Hey Meguro, I had this whole plan of giving you a special service...
M:!? Where did that even come from
R:Well. There was how you lacked a reason to live so I thought you could just cling to me for one.Then proceeding from that...
M: That does not explain anything

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Even in the good end path it sure is a law of the universe for Meguro to still get a new dose of suffering

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''Meguro: Yo....isn't it kinda cruel to leave me out of the loop like this?
Rei: (what are you, an overgrown child?)''
The biggest of childs

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いつもVERTICAL GARAGEをご愛顧頂き、誠にありがとうございます。
VERTICAL GARAGE 各店舗にて店舗通販を承っております!

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いつもVERTICAL GARAGEをご愛顧頂き、誠にありがとうございます。
VERTICAL GARAGE 各店舗にて店舗通販を承っております!

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Re: *accidentaly notes how he bought an item for Meguro that he thought was pretty. Cue regrets as he's surrounded by knowing grins*
Hisato: I'm fairly sure that person will absolutely love it if just because of the effort you put into picking one out \o/
R: *exits room asap*

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先日突如降臨した、美しすぎるREN MEGURO

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 “𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎“


1人目はやっぱり描かずにはいられない です。

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描かずにはいられない 🤦‍♀️

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