33 remain to back MONSTERWOOD: a Fantasy Graphic Novel set in the ancient, haunting and beautiful world of Magog. https://t.co/ezQjpsHgIp

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Hmmm In the middel of all the turnmoil of demagoges and lyers, we just look at the world in our way. That's great ......hahahaha

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Trump is a classic demagogue, scapegoating minorities to distract from his own failings

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Missed opportunity. Magog not necessary. Just Wonderstar. Pupil of Superman & Wonder Woman

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Here are some demagogues I drew for

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https://t.co/FWICrd0E7b maribel hearn and usami renko (touhou) by tamagogayu1998

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Possible entry for the serco competition based upon Gog and magog story!!!

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