Me dijeron en discord que se parece mucho a ruvstyle, asi que le quite una marca de la cara.
Bueno.. Su nombre es Ruvert.
Aqui un dibujo muy simple de este poste de luz.

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Otro oc! Mayormente basado en Ruv, Estoy pensando en un nombre para el.
Si lo se. No tuve imaginacion en hacerlo.
Le puse rojo porque .. ya que es el color que siempre uso para remarcar titulos etc.
Bueno! Este tipaso es mucho mas grande que dorek.

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holy damn hella GOOD teaser of voice Rogue. not grim the og Rogue and please let me know if you like it

HUGE SHOUT OUT TO StarbreakMusic for making it I ask him to do it (commission)

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After Blake has finished everything in the secret base of the criminals, now he gets a message from someone he knows and is ordered to return to the deadtown.

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Rogue Family

since y'all know Rogue/Grim story Karu part is complex even Fane. Karu story will wait but I can say Fane part. She NOT blood related with her parents they adopted Karu during Militant Havens War event thou she as same skin as Rogue 1/2

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The second time. Blake is after a secret agent who already knows the information because he is always carrying out massacres every day and everywhere. the governments don't know which side he's on yet, but it's clear he's doing it of his own free will

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Big propst my friends on Discord again not actual mod for making some concepts of Friday Night Federation. (I names the song on the pic)

1pic. uniforms belong to
Me (Bob) (Ron) and (Little Man)

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After escaping from the FRG base, Stronzo and Naizy are getting along, but I don't think this peace will last long.

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finally make the logo. Federation is basically FRG and BH all connected where BF attempt rescue GF from BH. the first pic is basically a freeplay song what i like to call Independent faction (didn't join factions)

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Blake kills people who are targeted. I know, killing the person is wrong, but it doesn't apply anymore as a human

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proper Files FRG are keeping Watch of this New Recruit some of them don't trust him or Ignores him. well except one

the third pic is nothing I got bore

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new banner sheeeesshhh hella good all the characters you see are all my OCs

in order left to right
Koko, Oni, Betty,Rogue/Grim, Fane, Nimue (glasses), Karu (bottom)

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Full Name:Grim
Date of Birth: March 14

Relationships:Betty (GF kinda) Karu (exGF) Fane (Daughter) Snekym (Contractor) Koko & Oni (Bodyguard) Flores (former Partner) Nimue (former CO) Rufus & Stronzo and Naizy (Unknown) Ruv & Sarv (Classified)


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huge thanks to my friend helping me doing this art of 40K

Flores as Adepta Sororitas/Sister Of Battle

Naizy as Imperial Guard Kasrkin

Rogue/Grim as Plagued Marine ps. Big bias toward Death Guard

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man I scraps the second and third and go with the first one AAHH! all the hard work 😭

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my finale OCs

these two are twins they are hire and highly train by Grim.

Koko somewhat stubborn not listening to orders but when Grim take control she listen.

Oni talk less but rumors says that he's half Demon and his rival is Rufus.

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Fane: I have a sister now.

after that they become best friend happy life for Fane

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