More watercolor Victorian action scenes with giant eels, please! We discuss “Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland,” on our latest podcast!

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Incredible work by Fiumara as this bat monster swoops down on our crew! We discuss “Abe Sapien: A Darkness’s So Great,” on our latest podcast episode!

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These amazing character-focused covers on this series are reminiscent of movie posters. We discuss “Abe Sapien: A Darkness’s So Great,” on our latest podcast!

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This character envisions Abe Sapien as “The Serpent,” also some great accompanying sketches. We discuss “Abe Sapien: The Garden (1) and more,” on this week’s podcast episode!

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In the B.P.R.D., they teach you what to do when you run out of bullets. We discuss “Abe Sapien: Shape Of Things To Come,” on this week’s podcast episode!

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New teammate, Sergeant Leonid, definitely seems to have some enhanced abilities. We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Reign of the Black Flame,” on this week’s podcast episode!

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The “Prospect Park” scene provides an emotional beat before the action kicks in. We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Reign of the Black Flame,” on this week’s podcast episode! Cover by Mignola.

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Two teams, two chances to succeed. We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Reign of the Black Flame,” on this week’s podcast episode! Cover by Mignola.

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The Sledgehammer armor was previously seen as the V.E.S. suit in “Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus.” We discuss “Sledgehammer ‘44 & Lightning War,” on this week’s podcast!

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An interesting connection between Kamala’s singing and The Black Flame’s power. We discuss “Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand,” on this week’s podcast episode!

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Get ‘em, Lobster! We discuss “Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand,” on this week’s podcast episode!

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Tyler Crook revisits this adorable pic of the B.P.R.D. crew in better times. We discuss “B.P.R.D. Lake Of Fire,” on this week’s podcast!

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She’s back, baby! Nuff said! We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Lake Of Fire,” on this week’s podcast episode!

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We finally learn the secret behind Fenix’s “second sight” powers. We discuss “B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Lake Of Fire,” on this week’s podcast episode!

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Alternate cover to B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: Lake Of Fire by Rafael Albuquerque. We discuss this story and more on this week’s podcast episode!

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Hellboy’s got the appropriate response to seeing Nazis! Be like Hellboy! From Hellboy: Conqueror Worm.

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Sebastián Fiumara knocks it out of the park as Abe Sapien battles Ghennu-Hem! We discuss “Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible on this week’s podcast episode!

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In his evolved form, Abe Sapien has incredible strength! We discuss “Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible on this week’s podcast episode!

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Beautiful dreamy work by Sebastián Fiumara and Dave Stewart. We discuss “Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible on this week’s podcast episode!

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