画質 高画質

John Everett Millais, The Unjust Judge and the Importunate Widow, 1864 https://t.co/prOW1wLvPt

0 5

John Singer Sargent, Mrs. George Swinton (Elizabeth Ebsworth), 1897 https://t.co/IydU2TgjMf

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Giorgio de Chirico, The Return of the Prodigal Son I (Il Ritorno del Figliol Prodigo I) from Metamorphosis, 1929 https://t.co/z5Yy1QnHkt

5 26

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Mademoiselle Marcelle Lender, Standing, 1895 https://t.co/BTicHYlxwL

2 10

Natalia Goncharova, Videnie v oblakakh (Vision in the Clouds) from Misticheskie obrazy voiny. 14 litografii (Mystical Images of War: Fourteen Lithographs), 1914 https://t.co/7LpyPCyDKx

0 6

Katsushika Hokusai, Young girl dancing at nobleman's mansion, 1805 https://t.co/4C8Yw6BVb6

3 13

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, May Belfort, from Treize Lithographies, 1898 https://t.co/AkwJhD2Dc1

2 13

Graham Sutherland, A Foundry: Hot Metal has been Poured into a Mould and Inflammable Gas is Rising, 1941 https://t.co/deRXrf1icN

4 19

Zhang Xiong [Chang Hsiung], Bird on a Blossoming Peach Branch, 1881 https://t.co/R8h0sDx83X

4 13

Edvard Munch, Two Women on the Shore ; Women on the Beach, 1898 https://t.co/4xIg7zIXJV

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