Lots of ducks to sweep at . Art made by top10 WORLDWIDE famous graffiti artists... 1/1 Snoop Dog piece sold for 23 ETH, WTF⁉️🦆

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Lots of ducks to sweep at . Art made by top10 WORLDWIDE famous graffiti artists... 1/1 Snoop Dog piece sold for 23 ETH, WTF⁉️🦆

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I won't sell these masterpieces, WTF⁉️🦆 But you can check the out, lots of amazing pieces to sweep from the floor.

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Lots of ducks to sweep at . Art made by top10 WORDWIDE famous graffiti artists... 1/1 Snoop Dog piece sold for 23 ETH, WTF⁉️🦆

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Art by WORLDWIDE famous artists, utility and awesome community. Sold out in 40min, reached top5 on OS 🦆 The is the new wave!

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Dropping those masterpieces here from Strong and fun community, art by WORLDWIDE famous artists, top5 on OS. 1/1 piece sold for 23 ETH!!

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Another mutant received from . How awesome is this!?! 😍😎

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If you haven't heard about the ducks yet, I can assure you that it won't be long before CT go crazy about us! Especially after that sale for 23 ETH!

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what do you think about this? THIS IS K.O BABY!!!! FP IS 0.04 ALREADY ! Do you think you can take it now?


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If you haven't heard about the yet, it won't be long before all CT talk about us 😁🦆 Let's quacking gooooo!

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