Nostalgia!! I actually managed to log back in haha. I loved the boba items when they came out since they looked nicer than the ones available from the casino through trade!

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trailer for the FTfuckingW!
Wow that was great. Nostalgia! Family legacy! I love it!
What did yous think of the trailer for

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Here’s to a little Nostalgia!
Inuyasha was a huge part of my life as a kid. I have so much gratitude for this show . I can honestly say it inspired me to get into art; though mind you it was because I just wanted to doodle my OCs with Inuyasha 😂

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Just look at her !! 😭😍
I did adopt her early yesterday from .

She is just beautiful and yet looks so sad and broken💚💔

I will make her to another sona for my sad, thoughtful, rainy and nostalgic days :')
(Don't has to be bad!)
She's a beauty😍💚❤

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Edisi nostalgia!
Ya ampun Mas Kulin ini kok lembut dan shojo banget yah? Wkwkwk
I think every illustrator have their own unique way to interpret characters tho ✨ as for me back then, i interpreted Kulin as cowo ganteng polos nan baik hati, tapi juga bodoh dan bloon2 gitu..

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Been reading Dragon Mango since high school (back when dial up was the norm) and I couldn't stop gushing to Jesse when I came home with a commission from the artist of the comic when I saw them at Unplugged Expo! I was hit with nostalgia! Drew my fav char Eclair as thanks 😊❤️

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Commission inspired by Jet Set Radio for a birthday boy! ✌️🎧⛸️🛹

Had such a good time revisiting the world of Jet Set Radio. So much nostalgia! Those skates are the coolest thing I've seen. 😍

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Rocko's modern life is on Netflix! 90s nostalgia!

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Hanging with long time friend from classic CP on Penguin World! All the nostalgia! 😀

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Quale modo migliore per augurare buon compleanno al nostro amico Larry Elmore se non pubblicando una delle sue opere più famose: "Ancient Red", cover della mitica scatola rossa di Dungeons & Dragons...ed è subito nostalgia!

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Ruin Explorers - Fam & Ihrie (CV) - 1995. Gosh, sooo much nostalgia! I remember watching the preview on the good ol' ADV tapes. Gotta love these two treasure hunting gals. They just can't catch a break. 😂

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I remade a few old Naruto OCs out of nostalgia! 😭I'm so proud of how far they've come.

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Quien reconozca a este Enderman y comenté una captura del video donde aparece ,LE HAGO UN DIBUJO TO' GUAPO DE LO QUE QUIERA!(limitado)
Whoever recognizes this Enderman and commented on a capture of the video where it appears, I MAKE YOU A DRAWING!

3 33 LIVE! Back to playing more Portal 2! Time for more Nostalgia!

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The hit me with a sledgehammer made of nostalgia! Already seen it twice, planning on a third!
I tear up every time I hear 's arrangement of Mothra's song! 😭

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I drew Yang Xiao Long from RWBY, along with two other alternates! Got my reference all the way back from her first Trailer, honestly I love going back and rewatching it gives so much nostalgia! how does she look!

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*screams in gay* I'M HAVING NOSTALGIA!!!!!!!

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