Amanhã tem Mamoswine, mas hoje tem live de Unite sim. Boraaaaa:

0 32

Intimidating art you say? You got it chief

Here's 4 of my favorite pokemon. Ditto, Mamoswine, Wishiwashi, and Mimikyu

Hope yall like it

1 1

Regional Piloswine

Groups of wild Piloswine feed on the crops grown by farmers. Some farmers have tamed and trained them to help with plowing the land. In return, they are rewarded with a delicious mix of their favorite crop.

26 140

Pokémon Ranger Challenge (explanation in thread)
1. Partner/backpack pokemon: Appletun
2. Stealth/chaser pokemon: Ninjask
3. Travel/ride pokemon: Piloswine
4. Attacker/bruiser pokemon: Kabutops

0 2

here's the Other Versions of the oswin pic


22 74

oswin's smiling sprite is like. top 5 best sprites in the game

i just wanted to draw him smiling :>

12 86

We finished the Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke over on the !

Truffles the Mamoswine was our last pokemon but she pulled off a clutch victory against Cynthia. Here's your crown, queen 👑

4 12

As punishment for getting between the Devil and his prey, Oswin had his elfin ears cut and his eyes raked. Now, while his friends seek a way to escape the mists, Oswin has taken over the Barovian parish and even started a school!

6 26

really like this oswin i doodled

it's on my other account but u get a crop cause i like it a lot. Look At Him

6 74

threw some quick messy colors on that oswin doodle cause i really liked it

17 47

when are we getting an oswin hammond body pillow

4 34

bf's shirt - oswin 🐗(7/6 bonus!)

not really a "bf's shirt" buuuut i thought it would be a cute little bonus pic :3

67 306

70/100 - Piloswine! We're almost there lads

3 15