cw: sharp objects , axe , needles , syringes , mild body horror

troubled people

3 9

Care A

Left is the original, right is my redraw

I love pixel art and should totally do more of it, though actual original works might spark further interest

0 2

From 45 degrees, to 90, to 180, to 360, to 720, 1080, 1440, 1800, 2160, winding, tightening, tightening

3 8

cw: very mild blood , unsanitary

what if i made Petscop Kids real

0 7

cw: scary imagery

ive been telling myself the past month that i was gonna draw all of the petscop cast but i just dont think its gonna happen GHFJDGJH

so heres these three!

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cw: scary imagery


1 5

my interpretation of marvin

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a little petscop fanart

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Petscop petscop petscop petscop petscop petscop petscop petscop petscop petscop petsc-

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more care/marvin swap au stuff

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cw body horror , fire
care/marvin swap AU doodles with lyrics from Only a Lad

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“I walked downstairs and when I got to the bottom, instead of proceeding, I turned to the right and became a shadow monster man”
left is late 2017, right is today. Guess who's back on their bullshit with Petscop!

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