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The 25th Anniversary of D&D’s “Planescape” continues with more preliminary sketches and the start of finished illustrations. You can see how the sketches developed into finished pen & ink drawings. 🎨 #dungeonsanddragons #planescape #roleplaying #roleplayinggame #penandink
Vorkannis the Ebon, Oinoloth of the Waste (and former Overlord of Carceri) in my college era #Planescape campaign that my Enworld storyhour covers. Ostensibly an arcanaloth. The truth of that nature remains to be seen.
Artwork by Azelyn on FA
#dnd #dnd5e
from that one time i ran out of inventory space and made Dak'kon carry a Lim Lim...
#planescape #planescapetorment
annah, rose of my eye
#planescape #planescapetorment
Just a friendly reminder, that if you need some art done before the New Year - I'm here to help. Classic #Planescape and #Numenera discounts are up. Also, any member of #critter community gets an additional 5% off because I can.
One of my $50 regulars requested their Trifling, Athena.
I love Tieflings so much, from like the first time I saw them, back when Planescape came out, I was in love. I really dig Athena's aesthetic.
Huh. It's one day until you mortals celebrate a fantasy history of kind Thanksgiving overlaid atop a reality of subsequent historical continental depopulation by disease and conquest. Baern bless me, that's right out of the Oinoloth's playbook! *preen*
#Planescape #dnd #dnd5e
You're what for Halloween? Oh... a tiefling you say? Darling that looks nothing like a tiefling. I assumed you were going as the Grimace or some sort of purple people-eater. Go get yourself a proper Planescape tiefling costume, not that hot mess.
#Planescape #dnd #dnd5e
It's Sunday on your insignificant world on the Material Plane. If you either have to work or if your favorite team loses today, rest assured it's because of grand 'loth conspiracies. We're everywhere. *cackle*
Fuck that's petty. Need to step up my game.
#Planescape #dnd #dnd5e
Joy is purchasing the company that makes the only efficacious psoriasis cream for your "favorite" ex/ex-apprentice and then cancelling the product line. *cackle!*
Screw you Shylara the Manged. Seriously.
#Planescape #dnd #dnd5e
Some say yugoloths are incapable of love. But look there! Look at her! She's graceful, powerful, and gorgeous. She's hot and were I in need of a public consort, she'd be perfect!
Oh. Apparently that was just my reflection. Colcook, lower the mirror.
#Planescape #dnd #dnd5e
So while in theory Monday is "Labor Day" or some such mortal holiday, remember that all of your pointless struggle and suffering, it all ultimately benefits the yugoloth hegemony, my razorvine-crowned cackling personage the poster-child thereof. *preen*
#planescape #dnd #dnd5e
Warm-up drawing of Venerash Oon, corsair prince of the Glimmergust, pirate of the Plane of Air, encountered by #TheDeepestDark crew in last night's Planescape session.
He's uh. He's also Asra's brother? one of probably MANY siblings she's got. #critters #critterNPCs
@lvl14druid You my dearest have both my approval and admiration! It's hard not to be so smitten with a gorgeous image of myself! No tiefling death-squads sent for you, though I can't say the same for others failing to shower me with the fruits of their artsy labors! *preen*
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Oh please mortal... you mention the City of Doors and you don't mention me? You wound me. For shame.
I'm not saying that hired sodkillers or fashionable yet merciless tieflings might be making a visit, but I'll be scrying the results. *preen*
#Planescape #wotcstaff
@2ndLevelBard SIJ-il is just asking for your betters -myself the best example of said group- to rain down scorn and probably a meteor swarm and a bunch of gated in mezzoloths for some extra charm. Not that I need extra charm usually. I'm charming enough.
#Planescape #DnD #dnd5e
Praise be to the baernaloths of The Demented, the great Father/Mothers of the yugoloths, creators of the lower planes, they who created the obyriths and ancient baatorians out of the law and chaos purged from us their chosen, perfect children. *preen*
#Planescape #dnd #dnd5e
Drink everything worth drinking! Wine from Nocticula's private reserves in body shot form, lilland liquor from Elysium also in body shots, even a bottled Farastu, but such escapades have their inevitable result.
Quick! Ssila'meshnik! Hold my hair!
#Pathfinder #DnD #Planescape
Getting ready to roll out on some desert plane favored my lycanthropes after stepping of the infinite stair well. #DnD #planescape #Roll20
We're saving a Dragonborn, with a chick whose corpse wasn't worth robbing (Bo Low knows first hand).
@is3rith @HighScoreKid @alexmacosta